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DCL by Jaimon Speaks

DCL - Demand Control of your Life is a podcast hosted by Jaimon Barconia, a college student studying Criminal Justice, serial entrepreneur, and motivational speaker. Each episode empowers listeners to take control of their lives, featuring insight and strategies for self-improvement, building a stronger mindset,  and achieving success. 
Listeners can expect to gain actionable inspiration for cultivating positive habits, overcoming limiting beliefs, and unlocking their full potential. From mindset shifts to practical productivity tips, Demand Control of Your Life provides a roadmap for personal transformation. 
New episodes are released every Wednesday at 12:00 pm.
Whether your looking to start a business, boost your career, improve your relationships, or embrace your well-being, this podcast will help you break free from self-doubt and unleash your true potential!
Be sure to subscribe to DCL By Jaimon Speaks on Youtube, Spotify, and Apple Music to never miss an episode and take the first steps towards transforming control of your life. 

DCL by Jaimon Speaks

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